Saturday, 16 April 2016

Food Intolerance nightmare! Potassium Sorbate is in everything!

After realising that our child reacts severely to Potassium Sorbate  two years ago we have since strived to make her diet free from it. Not as easy as it sounds!

For one thing, potassium sorbate appears in hundreds of foods. Long shelf life baked goods such as: muffins, cakes, buns, crumpets, hot cross buns, scones, biscuits, cookies. Jar goods such as pasta sauce, some makes of bottle sauces such as BBQ, Soy, Brown and many others. Low fat mayonnaise , dilute juice, flavoured water. I could go on and on. Next time you do your grocery shop, check the items you are buying for E202 Potassium Sorbate, you will be shocked.

Here are some further websites which mention the ill effects of potassium sorbate.

Pottasium sorbate  causes "Allergic & Hyper-Sensitive Reactions, Asthma, Behavioural Problems, Skin Ailments (Eczema, Dermatitis, Itching, Hives, Rash, etc)" says the following website:

The following article discusses the ever popular fruit shoot drink which used to effect Angelica horrendously. They write that "Prolonged dietary intake of potassium sorbate in the form of preservatives (incorporated in canned foods) can lead to nutritional deficiencies by impairing the absorption of nutrients from the food"

This next website states that "In a study done in Turkey, potassium sorbate was found to be genotoxic to the human peripheral blood lymphocytes in vitro (ie: causes damage to the DNA)."

Have you or anyone you know experienced adverse effects from consuming Potassium Sorbate?

1 comment:

  1. I am 31 yrs old and suffer from very similar reactions as your daughter. Apart from the skin irritations. I also can't have preservative 211. I become highly emotional, irrational, everything annoys/irritates me, angry, depressed. It's horrible my reactions come on the next day and completely take over me and my whole day. It really sux as I am generally a happy and bubbly girl. And like u said everything has 202 and 211 in it , it's crazy !! I have found alot of the brands such as Woolworth's select and the Coles home brand are really great no colours, flavours or preservatives are stated on the packaging and not too expensive. It's great to read I am not alone with this as there is not alot of info about the behavioral side effects these preservatives have.
    So thanks for this blog space 😃
